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Emergency Pipeline Repairs

Emergency Pipeline Repairs

An Emergency Pipeline Repair System (EPRS) is a fundamental part of any Pipeline Integrity Management System. It is intended to sufficiently prepare for- and mitigate against the consequences of unplanned incidents breaching the pipelines’ integrity. Such breaches cause downtime, could cause damage to people and the environment and in any case, directly have financial implications on costs for repair, and indirectly on loss of revenue.

Hence, having repair clamps and other tools available alone is not sufficient; in order to provide a rapid response to unexpected incidents disrupting the pipelines’ integrity, DELTA GROUP employs a complete package for Emergency Pipeline Repair products.

DELTA GROUP believes that a full EPRS comprises the entire process from the initial moment of the incident to re-commissioning to maximum allowable operating pressure and flow. An EPRS must always be developed asset specific. Depending on a pipeline’s criticality and complexity the development of an EPRS does not require any significant capital expenditure.